
Doctor Who Written Preview 3

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broadwayphantom's avatar

Literature Text

It was an unusually overcast day as Shiloh walked the gravel path that lead to her mother's grave.  It was indescribable in her mind why she came to this spot so often; usually this was a spot that most stayed away from, even her own father.  But she felt a sort of calmness here, a peace that she didn't feel anywhere else.  It was where she could go to talk to the only one she felt could really understand.  She closed her eyes as she felt the cool breeze on her face, moving a few strands into her eyes.  As she brushed them away, she sat down on the grass next to her mother's tombstone, running her hands over the inscription,

Rose Tyler - Beloved wife and mother  

And letting out a breath, she began to talk.
"Hi mum.  I know I came here just yesterday, but I had to get out of the house.  Grandma Jackie's been so sick lately…  Dad said that there's not much more we can do for her, so we've been trying to keep her comfortable.  Dad hasn't really said much since she's been sick; the whole house is so quiet now.  I guess you'll have some company soon in heaven now…"  She swallowed hard as she held back a sob.  

"Mom…I don't know what I'm gonna do now.  I was hoping that I'd have the chance to move out soon; try to start my own life.  But you know dad's never really liked me doing much on my own.  He's just so…overprotective…" She took a deep breath.  "I don't know.  Maybe if you were still here…"

Letting out a sigh, she stood, brushing the dirt off her jeans before walking back down the path towards her home.  She had only taken a few steps when her mobile phone began to ring.  Seeing it was her father, she answered.

"Shiloh, you need to get back here as soon as possible.  Jackie's taken a turn for the worse."


Her father stepped out and slowly shut the door behind him.  Looking up, he saw Shiloh hurrying down the hallway.
"Dad, how is she?"
He let out a long breath.  "She probably won't make it through the night."
Shiloh let out a shaky breath as she ran her hand through her hair.  She always knew this day would happen eventually; she just didn't expect it to happen so soon.
He put his hand on her shoulder.  "She's asking for you."

After a moment, she opened the door and stepped in.  She looked at the various pictures on the bedside table that Jackie had insisted they put out.  A portrait taken at Rose and John's wedding, a picture taken of Rose a few weeks before she passed away, one of her and Shiloh walking on the beach together; so many memories.  In the large bed lay Jackie Tyler, grown older with the years and weaker from her illness, but a sparkle still in her eyes as if she were guarding a well-kept secret.

"Hi Grandma Jackie." Shiloh quietly said.
"Shiloh…" she smiled. "Come sit here by me."
Shiloh sat down next to her grandmother on the bed.  She tried to smile but felt the tears pricking her eyes.
"Oh don't cry…" Jackie said as she hugged her while Shiloh quietly sobbed. "It's just a part of life is all."
She wiped away the tears as Shiloh nodded.
"Now listen to me.  There's something very important we need to discuss." Jackie said after a moment as she looked at her granddaughter.  "Do you remember when you were younger and you never wanted to go to sleep when you were supposed to?  So your father told you stories.  Stories of faraway places with aliens…"
"Oh sure…" she said, smiling. "And Dad would always put Mum in the stories and she travel through time with a Time Lord known only as the Doctor, saving hundreds of lives…  I always loved those stories."
"Shiloh…" she squeezed her hand tighter. "The stories are real."

"What?" Shiloh asked, shocked.
"All the stories are true.  The Doctor, traveling in time, the aliens, everything."
"That's impossible."
"And there's more I need to tell you."
This was already huge and now it was bigger? "More?" she swallowed.
Jackie nodded. "Shiloh, your father is one of them."

She thought her eyes would pop out of her head.  "You can't be serious."
"Can't be more serious."
"So you're saying my father's a Time Lord?"
"Partial.  Part human, part Time-Lord.  It would take too long to explain…"
Shiloh swallowed hard.  She was almost afraid to ask the next question.  "And me?"
"You say my father's part Time Lord; what am I?"
She looked down, reluctant to tell her.
"Please…tell me."

"Alright…  When you were first born, the doctors thought there was something wrong with you.  Your body temperature was far below normal and something appeared to be wrong with your heart.  They thought you were fibrillating so they did…something…I don't remember what it was…to keep your heart from completely stopping altogether.  They didn't realize until after they ran some tests that you actually had two hearts."
Shiloh swallowed hard.  "So I'm a Time-Lord?"
Jackie sighed.  "We just don't know…  Somehow they managed to stop one of your hearts without killing you and after that, everything seemed to be normal; you were as healthy as any human baby.  But then they wanted to remove your second heart.  Your father knew that you wouldn't survive if they tried the surgery, so we snuck you out of the hospital and went into hiding…"

She stopped short as Shiloh turned away, the enormity of this revelation too much for her to handle.
"Shiloh, I'm sorry but it was the only way we could keep you safe…please forgive me."  Jackie pleaded.  "I didn't want to keep this from you, but I had sworn to your father on your mother's grave, god rest her soul, that I wouldn't tell you until the time was right."
Shiloh looked back at her, trying to hide the emotions that were threatening to spill over.
"I'm...I'm so sorry…" Jackie whispered as tears ran down her face.
Shiloh sighed as she went and held her grandmother close, trying to calm her.  "It's all right. I understand." She said as she hugged her, even though she was nowhere near to really understand this.  But Jackie didn't need to see the hurt, anger, and confusion on her face during her last moments.

After a moment, Jackie pulled away.  "There's something else."
"What else could there possibly be to tell me?"
"Not to tell you." Jackie said.  "To give you.  Get my jewelry box from the dresser."
Shiloh walked over to the dresser, retrieved a small yet surprisingly heavy lead box and brought it to the bed.
"Open it." she said.

Slowly, Shiloh opened the box; revealing a crystal on a silver chain.  She took it out of the box and rolled it between her fingers.  The crystal was a cloudy white but as she moved it in her hand, it almost had a rainbow color.
"It's beautiful…" she said.
"It was your mum's gift to you.  She said that if something happened to her, to give this to you at the right time.  Go ahead. Put it on."
As Shiloh fastened the clasp, Jackie smiled.
"When you wear that necklace, you look just like your mum.  She said that once I gave you the crystal, it's very important that you are to keep it with you at all times."

Jackie tried to answer, but her sentence broke off as she dissolved into a fit of coughing.  Shiloh squeezed her hand tighter.
"Try taking deep breaths.
"I'm so tired.  I just want to rest for a little while."  Jackie said as she closed her eyes.
"Everything's going to be okay."  Shiloh said as she brushed back Jackie's hair.  There was so much she wanted to ask, that she needed to know; but now wasn't the time for that.  "We can talk later after you've had some rest."  She watched as Jackie's breathing became shallower and slowed.  Shiloh swallowed hard, realizing the moment she had dreaded for so long was finally here.
"You can let go." she whispered as Jackie's grip finally loosened on her hand.


Opening the door, she saw her father rising from his chair, concern written on his face.
"Is she…"
Shiloh nodded.  "Yeah…She's gone."  Bitterly, she turned away and started walking down the hallway.  Sensing that something else was distressing her besides the death of her grandmother, he hurried to catch up with her.
"Shi, what's wrong?"
She sighed.  "Why didn't you tell me?"
She turned to look at him, hot tears running down her face.  "The stories, all the bedtime stories of time travel and the Doctor and space; why didn't you tell me it was true?"
"She told you…" he paled.
"Yes, and I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner."
"Shi, I was going to, but…"
It was then that he saw the crystal around her neck.  His eyes grew wide.
"Where did you get that?"
"Grandma gave it to me."
"Shiloh, you have to give that to me."
"Why?" she clutched it protectively.
"I…well…" he struggled to find the right words.  "It's hard to explain…."
"Alright then.  Tell me why I have two hearts."
"W-what?" he stammered.
"You know what?  Just forget it.  You wouldn't tell me the truth anyway…"
"Shiloh…" he reached towards her but she backed away and took off running out the door.
"Shiloh wait!!" he yelled as he ran after her.

Shiloh ran down the beach, hot tears running down her face.  She didn't want to look at anything around her; everything was a memory from the stories.   She couldn't believe it; everything she had ever known, ever believed in, was a lie.  She could hear her father running behind her, shouting at her to stop, but she only ran faster until she tripped and fell into the sand.

As her father caught up, he tried to help her to her feet, but she pushed him away.  "Are you alright?" he asked.
"I'm fine…  Just leave me alone."  she muttered as she staggered to her feet and started walking down the beach.
"What do want me to say?" he called after her.
"To say?!" she said as she walked back towards him.  "How about 'I'm sorry I never told you the truth.' or 'I'm sorry I kept all these secrets from you.'  I don't know what to believe in anymore!  I don't know who I am and it's all because of you!" she screamed as she pounded her fists into his chest.  But instead of resisting her as she pounded, he only wrapped his arms around her and held her close, until finally she could go no longer and fell to her knees, sobbing into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry…" he whispered.  "You're right.  I should have told you everything.  I don't know how I can make it up to you…"
She looked up into deep brown eyes that matched hers.  "I just want the truth.  I'm tired of all the secrets.  I…I want to know who I am."
"Sweetheart…" he sighed.  "I don't know how to tell you all that…but I'll try."
Shiloh smiled as she hugged him close.
He looked around for a moment and smiled. "Do you know where we are?"
She looked around too.  "I think it's Bad Wolf Bay."
"Do you remember what I told you happened here?"  He asked softly.  "This was where I first kissed your mother…"


Unknown to the two of them, they were being watched from the darkness of space.  
A single beeping sound came from the control panel.  The creature stared at it wide-eyed; that signal had not shown up in years.  After a moment, he hurried to the interspacial con and pressed a button.
A voice came from the speaker, "Yes Lieutenant, what is it?"
"Sire, I'm picking up traces of the Vortex stone on this planet."
"That's impossible."
"The scanner keeps registering the stone's components.  It's unmistakable."
"Thank you Lieutenant.  I'll be there in a moment."
"Yes sir."  And with that the line went silent.
Rising from his chair, the Vesperon Emperor walked to the large window at the edge of the room; a sly smile crossing his face as he looked down on the planet. "Well Doctor, it's been far too long…"



It was the thump that woke him.  He looked around the second story room; it was almost completely dark except for the lamp that illuminated the many photo albums on the table.  Feeling weight on his shoulder, he looked down.  Shiloh lay asleep, her head on his shoulder and a smile on her face from sweet dreams.  Not wanting to disturb her, he was just about to try and fall back asleep when he heard it again.  

Thump...and this time he could swear he heard voices.  

Someone was in the house.  Wide awake now, he carefully shifted Shiloh so that he could get up and moved toward the top of the stairwell.  Carefully he moved down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible.  Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see what appeared to be four…no, five mysterious figures shifting around their living room.  They didn't seem to have basic facial features; a nose, a mouth, or even eyes, yet the creatures were looking in every drawer and shelf for something.  Just as he was about to take another step, at the front door he could see what appeared to be silver liquid coming from under it.  As the puddle became bigger, it began rising up, forming legs, a torso, arms, and finally a head.  

"Vesperons…" John realized as his blood turned cold.
"What's taking so long?!" it said in a harsh whisper, its voice resonating in its chest.  "You said it was here!"
"It is Lieutenant.  My controller is picking up its traces and the signal's strong." another responded.  "The stone is in this house.  I'm sure of it."
The first Vesperon let out a noise of frustration.  "We'll never find it this way."  It then raised his voice, causing all in the room to turn in its direction.  "Spread out and tear the house apart!  Dispose of anyone who gets in your way!  We need that stone!"

The two of them were in serious trouble.  John knew he had to get Shiloh and himself out of the house as soon as possible.  He hurried up the steps as quietly as he could, forgetting to skip that squeaky step.  Slight as the sound was, the Vesperon leader heard it.  "Doctor…" he growled as his gaze turned to the staircase.

"Shiloh wake up!" John said as he shook her furiously.
"Mmmm…Dad, it's not even daylight out yet…" she groaned, turning over.
"Shiloh, this is important!"
"But dad…"
It was then that she heard a crash downstairs.  The sound made her sit upright.
"What was that?!"
"No time to explain. Follow me!" he shouted.

As they ran into his bedroom, he locked the door and began moving things in front of it for extra protection.  Seeing her father like this made Shiloh's stomach sink.
"Dad what's going on?!  Who are they?"
"They're called Vesperons." He said as he struggled to move a dresser in front of the door. "Shape-shifters that can turn into any person or creature they desire."
"But what are they doing here?  What do they want with us?"
His gaze moved to her necklace.  "If I had to guess, it's a pretty good chance they want that stone.  And they're willing to get rid of us to get it."
"This old thing?  Well why don't we let them have it?"
"No!  They can't have this!  If they do, they'll…"

A massive slam at the door stopped him mid-sentence.  Just the one slam against the door caused a massive crack to run down the middle.  It wouldn't hold much longer.
John grabbed her shoulders; his eyes intense.  "Shiloh, listen to me.  You need to get out of her as fast as you can.  I want you to go out through the window and climb down the shaft.  Run; run as fast as you can away from here.  Once they realize the stone isn't here, they're going to come after you but I'm going to try to buy you some time.  Now once you're alone…"
"Alone?!"  Shiloh nearly shrieked.  "Why aren't you coming with me?!"
"There's no time to explain!" he said in a harsh whisper as another slam hit.  "Now listen, hidden a few miles down on Bad Wolf Bay, is a large blue police box; the TARDIS.  Above the 'P', there's a key.  Take it and go inside.  The rest will take care of itself.  Once you're where you need to be, find the Doctor.  He'll know what to do."
"Dad…" she started.
"And one more thing," he interrupted.  "Whatever you do," he touched the stone around her neck.  "Don't let them get this.  The fate of the world depends on it."
"But dad…" she said as tears started.  "I can't do this without you."

Giving her a sad smile, he held her close.  "Don't worry.  I have faith in you.  You're something special Shiloh.  I knew from the first time I saw you that you were meant for something bigger.  You are so much more than what you realize.  You just need the chance to set it free."
As he held her, another loud slam hit the door.  Looking back, he could see that the door was beginning to splinter.  He braced himself against the door.
"Now go.  I'll try to hold them off as long as I can."

She nodded and started toward the window, but before she did, she hurried back and left a kiss on his cheek.
"Be careful dad…and good luck."
"You too." he smiled as she took one last look before slipping out the window.

Only moments after she had disappeared from his sight did John feel something wet on his feet.  Looking down, he could see a puddle of silver liquid.  They were coming in from under the door.  There was no escaping them now.  Slowly he stepped away, preparing himself to accept his fate.  Within a few minutes, three Vesperons had entered the room; including the Lieutenant.
"Doctor…" he said with an evil smirk; the silver sheen of his body glistening in the light.
"What are you talking about?"  John said.  "I'm not the Doctor.  I'm human."
"Scan him."  the Lieutenant said to the silver being on his left.
Mutating its arm into a scanner, he directed it at John, covering him with a blue light.  After a moment, a signal sounded that it was done.
"Well?" the Lieutenant asked.  "What does it say?"
"Well…I…I've never seen this before." he stammered.
"What does it say Sergeant?!" he shouted.
"It says…he's half human…half Time Lord."
John swallowed.  They knew his secret.
"Interesting…" the Lieutenant grinned. "He's not the Doctor. But there's someone who would be very interested in meeting you.  Transport him."
Before John could voice a word of protest, the sergeant raised its arm, causing John to completely dematerialize from sight. Shiloh clasped her hand over her mouth to keep a scream from escaping as she watched from the window.
The Vesperons were soon joined by a fourth.  "We've searched the entire house and there's no sign of the Vortex stone.  We're still getting a signal though."
Shiloh clutched at the crystal around her neck.
"It's on the move…" the Lieutenant realized.  He then turned to the other three Vesperons.  "Burn the house to the ground and go after it.  Report to me back at the ship when you've retrieved the stone." he ordered.

Realizing that she needed to get going before they came after, Shiloh allowed herself to drop to the ground with a soft thud.  As soon as her feet hit the ground, she took off running down the beach.  Only a few moments later did an exploding sound cause her to look back.  There behind her, the only home she had ever known was going up in flames.  Hot tears stung her eyes as she ran.  All their things; the photos and the memories were now going up in smoke.  But she knew she had to keep running; her father's survival depended on her.
I know someone who will be super-excited to see this... :squee:

I was actually going to wait until my 1,000 page view to post this, but it's taking too long and besides, 20 away is still close... :)

I'll put some more info later but until then, please feel free to give me your honest opinion and suggestions for improvement; especially since I'd like to (hopefully) send this story to the BBC.

© 2011 - 2024 broadwayphantom
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Lakeore's avatar
*flails* I need more of this o_o